By its second program year (2013 to 2014), total C-Returns green retrofits are expected to result in 3.04 million kg of life-cycle CO2e emission reductions, and $438,034 in reduced utility costs for the owners. In the first two program years, C-Returns has completed 132 residential and commercial carbon and energy assessments, and 18 retrofit projects. In addition to over a dozen home retrofits, C-Returns has assisted the Community Leagues of Alberta Avenue, Meadowlark and Riverdale to upgrade their buildings to the latest in efficiency technology, including high-efficiency hockey rink LED lights, draft proofing and weatherstripping, condensing furnaces, fridges exceeding ENERGY STAR rating by 30%, and replacement of air conditioning condensing units with SEER of 18 or better.
HoursM-F: 9am - 4pm